
C&D Group Youth League Committee Carried Out Volunteer Activities to Promote Excellent Chinese Traditional Culture


On the occasion of learning and implementing the theme education of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, C&D Group Youth League Committee deeply learned and implemented the important discourse of General Secretary Xi Jinping on cultural self-confidence, and paid attention to inheriting and promoting the excellent Chinese traditional culture in practice. On June 20, C&D Group Youth League Committee organized a youth volunteer team to go to the company's youth practice base - Baijiaoci Hope Primary School, to carry out the volunteering activities in Q2 2023. In the public welfare class, young volunteers from C&D Youth League Committee and C&D Group Headquarters League Branch told children folklore stories of Dragon Boat Festival, led them to appreciate Dragon Boat Festival poems, make "dragon boat" models, and carried out various activities such as dragon boat fun race, etc. The children were immersed in the charm of traditional culture and strove to be "little inheritors" of traditional culture.
